We help VCs achieve outsized returns.

A stand-out CFO can be critical to a scaleup's success. That’s why we believe it's one of the most important roles in a C-suite. Investors across the globe trust us to find the right CFOs for their portfolios.

Let's talk more

Trusted by leading global investors.

When a VC partners with Altima, they trust us to help their portfolio grow.

  • We guide and advise VCs based on our deep knowledge of the CFO role.

    As CFO specialists, investors choose us to help their portfolio companies understand what the right type of CFO looks like for their organisation.

  • We unlock a network of the best finance talent in Europe and North America.

    We have unrivalled access to stand-out CFOs in key technology hubs around the world.

  • We provide external due-diligence on financial leadership for new investments.

    We can provide a range of finance talent advisory services from benchmarking current finance leaders, to assessing the longevity of the current finance team structure and skill sets.

"Altima is our go-to search partner for VP of Finance and CFO roles across our portfolio in Europe. John and his team are not only incredibly well connected to the CFO community and thus can bring candidates to their searches, but they are also some of the best partners to steer founders through the tricky search phases, never losing sight of the ultimate goal to find the right candidate for the role. Their ability to clearly articulate the kind of finance leader needed for each company/stage/sector, and to become a storyteller and ambassador for their clients, are hugely valuable and differentiating in the market"

Sandra Schwarzer

Vice President of Talent at Index Ventures

"As an early-stage investor, many of our founders are looking to hire their first finance leader. Altima understand that there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to finance leadership within our ecosystem and they are experts at cultivating strong relationships with the game-changers. They have a strong track record of running excellent CFO searches in our portfolio and are skilled at building great relationships with founders, guiding them through what can be a complex process with many stakeholders involved. Altima are our “go-to” search partner for CFO searches. Cannot recommend them highly enough."

Jane Reddin

Platform and Talent Partner

We support portfolios across the globe with hiring senior finance talent.

  • Advisory and research services

    Partners turn to Altima to support their portfolio on projects like IPO advisory, finance team structuring, market mapping and CFO succession planning.

  • Workshops and training

    We create highly tailored workshops and training sessions delivered by our Partners, for founders who need support building their finance engine.

  • Events and content

    We create highly tailored workshops and training sessions delivered by our Partners, for founders who need support building their finance engine.

Get the latest from our team

A founder’s guide to hiring their first CFO: 4 top tips for running a successful search.

September 20, 2024


Exit planning for high-growth tech. How can CFOs prepare for the right exit event?

July 5, 2024
